Keywords: traffic flow, road traffic, intersection, traffic flow control system, traffic signal, intersection capacity, transport network


The article presents the development of a mathematical model of a special traffic light signaling control system of a road intersection of the city's transport network.

One of the problems of urban intersections in the case of strict management is such a parameter as the number of vehicles that manage to pass during the time when the permitted traffic light signal is burning. This parameter is important for the efficiency of the traffic light. This parameter can be critical in urban environments, where a large number of cars can create traffic jams if the time dedicated to traffic is not sufficient to accommodate all vehicles. The essence of the system is to determine the main parameters of the traffic light modes depending on the pre-established criteria. As such criteria, the following are accepted in the work: 1) the minimum passing capacity of the approaches to the intersection, which is determined by the number of vehicles that can pass during the time of the permitted traffic light signal - and this value is generalized for all approaches; 2) the maximum loading of the intersection, which is determined by the number of vehicles accumulating during the burning of the prohibited traffic signal, which is also generalized for all approaches. These explanations are suitable for use at any intersections for which it is necessary to adjust the specified two parameters in order to improve the traffic situation, namely for cases when the traffic light control parameters set by default at a certain intersection do not correspond to the existing intensity of traffic flow, as well as for cases when, under the available parameters, there is excessive accumulation on one or several approaches of vehicles, that is, it leads to traffic jams. This model is proposed for x-shaped intersections with an installed 4-phase traffic light control system. Such a management model will allow solving two important problems of the intersection - inadequate bandwidth and reducing congestion.


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