The design of the cutting device, consisting of a drive box, on the output shaft of the hub which is fixed diametrically spaced axles that are articulated through holes set of knives cutting edges. Knives designed as a disc with cutting edge around the perimeter, which are arranged in a circle hole. When rotating the output shaft of a drive boxes hub located diametrically axes also rotates. Knives with cutting edge back into the holes around radial axes and occupy the position. At a meeting of the cutting edge with stems pererizayutsya and they are crushed. Thanks disk shape knife and availability of cutting edge around the perimeter of the stem pererizayutsya, not chopped. After blunting the cutting edge of the knife is removed and rearranged on the next hole. The procedure is performed permutations knife by one through all the holes located on a circle, until the blunt cutting edge. By changing the geometry of the blade rectangular on the disk and its attachment to the hub via a drive boxes of openings arranged in a circle, increased the length of the cutting edge and the evenness of wear,
and provided with sliding cutting the stems instead of cutting. The proposed technical solution will reduce the energy intensity of the process of cutting and shredding stalks and increase the service life of the cutting apparatus.
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