Keywords: automation of fatigue detection, sleep indicators, maritime safety, psychophysiological monitoring, automated control system, method


The issue of fatigue among navigators during the performance of their duties poses a significant risk to maritime safety, with human factors being the primary cause of marine accidents. The aim of this study is to develop and test an automated method for identifying hazardous fatigue factors in navigators based on sleep indicators. This study addresses the challenge of accurately diagnosing fatigue, which is often underestimated or misinterpreted by the navigators themselves. The research involved long-term monitoring of the psychophysiological state of navigators during their duties and rest periods on the vessels "Alexander" IMO 9433353, "Brigitte M" IMO 9155913, and "LONGWOOD" IMO 9504138. Various statistical and dynamic analysis methods were used in the study, including regression analysis, time series analysis, and Student's t-test.

The experiments demonstrated a significant correlation between the duration of deep sleep and the reduction in wakefulness periods, indicating that longer periods of deep sleep mitigate the effects of fatigue. It was established that an increase in deep sleep time by 1% leads to a decrease in wakefulness time by an average of 0.736% to 0.98%. The correlation coefficient between deep sleep duration and stress level ranged from 0.73 to 0.98, confirming a high degree of correlation. The approximation error values ranged from 0.34% to 12.44%, indicating satisfactory model quality.

The developed automated system for fatigue detection showed promising results in enhancing navigational safety by providing real-time analysis and adaptive watch scheduling based on crew condition. The system is capable of automatically adjusting watch schedules and rest periods, ensuring an optimal balance between workload and rest. The practical significance of the system lies in its potential to reduce the impact of the human factor on maritime safety by 18-28% and optimize voyage time, contributing to fuel and energy savings. The system can also automatically intervene in cases of critical decreases in navigator performance, for example, by automatically switching to auxiliary control systems (autopilot) or sending alarm signals to other crew members or the control center.

The theoretical significance of the obtained results lies in the experimental proof of the effectiveness of using sleep indicators for real-time monitoring and analysis of navigator fatigue. The practical significance of the results lies in the development of a system that ensures timely detection of hazardous navigator states, reduces the risk of accidents, and enhances overall navigational safety.


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