In the article the process of compression of friable materials is considered on the basis of theory of consolidation. Description of dynamics of compression of fine-divided material, carried out in the phase of «flow» of material and the phenomenon of формоизменения related to it. For description of processes of dynamics of compression of granules the law of Darcy is used taking into account changeability of coefficient of filtration depending on the coefficient of porosity of standard, and also nonlinear dependence «tension-deformation», arising up at an appendix loading. It is got as a result of research, that at the beginning of process of гранулообразования, when гранулообразуемая mass is presented mainly by an initial charge and certain percent of embryos, the increase of mass of granules increases approximately in 4 times, and affecting terms гранулообразующую environment can be megascopic order to 100 times.
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