Cooling system for marine engines can have different layouts. The use of a rational approach to the creation of a scheme can significantly reduce the total mass of the cores of heat exchangers in the system that reduces its cost and size. The system may in principle be simpler and have fewer components. In
particular, for the engine type engines 12ЧН 18,5/21,5 (power 1416 kW at 1900 rpm crankshaft) considered two possible schemes of cooling systems. First, type ЕС12В, made without the use of modern methods of forming of rational schemes of cooling systems engines. Second, an alternative system type 2ВК1М formed with the use of modern techniques for design and refers to the slow flow systems. As a result of the detailed calculations of both schemes using techniques to minimize the total mass of the cores of heat exchangers installed, the system 2ВК1М significantly easier than ЕС12В. It contains two pumps
instead of three, has one closed contour of circulation instead of two, one beam in the charge-air cooler instead of two, simpler in construction and provides a desirable beam size of the intercoolers.
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