The article is devoted to looking for a solution for the scientific and technical issue of reducing vibrations on vessels. It is considered to be achieved with the application of the vibration-absorbing composite coatings. The purpose of the work is to theoretically substantiate the possibility of operation of structures with metal-glass coatings taking into consideration the vibration environment of a vessel. The formulation of the research includes the discovery of the solution for the micromechanics issue set up on the model of a two-layer plate St3 ‒ metal-glass coatings, taking into account their structural features, and experimental tensile tests. The influence of the polydisperse structure of coatings on the mechanisms of absorption of elastic-plastic waves of dynamic oscillations has been analyzed with the help of the analytical description of microdisplacement deformations. The influence of morphology and volume content of glass fillers, specifically hollow glass microspheres, powders of sodium silicate and lead-containing glass on the vibration coefficient, strength limit and yield strength has been investigated. Calculations have shown the feasibility of using metal-glass coatings in conditions of vessel vibration, which is due to the absorption of energy by glass inclusions of spherical and angular shape. It has been experimentally proven that coated plates are slightly inferior in tensile strength to samples with St3; the destruction of coatings occurs between glass inclusions. The obtained results have scientific and practical significance for the design of ship structures using composite materials and coatings.
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