The article is targeted at solving a scientific and technical problem considered to be an issue of current interest. The issue imposes an enhancement and extension of the service life of equipment for river and sea transport through the use of developed polymer composite modified anti-corrosion protective coatings. The solution to the scientific and technical problem investigated has been considered. The suggested solution involves the development of a method for target-specific control of the processes of interaction between the components of the epoxy polymer, which made it possible to create a new class of composite materials and coatings based on the latter possessing high performance characteristics, intended for the revitalization of water transport.
New regularities have been established for increasing the resource and corrosion resistance of transport vehicles due to the formation of coatings which contain phthalimide (0.25 mass %) modifier and the synthesized iron-carbide charge (0.2 ... 0.5 mass %) per 100 mass.% epoxy oligomer ED-20, which makes it possible to obtain materials with improved cohesive properties due to the significant specific surface area of dispersed additives and their increased activity in interfacial interaction when they are introduced into the polymer at an optimal content.
The technological scheme for the building-up of coatings has been developed for the first time ever. In consequence of the latter, a synergistic effect has been achieved in increasing the service life of river and sea transport equipment and improving the anticorrosive properties of protective coatings as a result of the complex action of the phthalimide modifier, microdispersed fillers in the form of synthesized iron-carbide charge and phytic acid. The method of IR spectroscopy has justified an increase in the degree of crosslinking of a three-dimensional polymer network, which provides an improvement in the properties of composites. This is due to the fact that on the surface of the particles after synthesis, the areas of titanium and iron carbides are getting localized, which are mainly considered to be the activators of the creation of physical and chemical interphase bonds during the cross-linking of anticorrosive coatings.
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12. Dvukhkomponentnoe, ustoyjchivoe k abrazivnomu iznosu ehpoksidnoe pokrihtie, pigmentirovannoe alyuminiem, obespechivayuthee prevoskhodnuyu dliteljnuyu zathitu ot korrozii : tekhnicheskie usloviya na produkt. URL :
13. 15360. 15360; 15380; 38602. 1,2 ehpoksidnoe pokrihtie : tekhnicheskiyj pasport na produkt. Jotacote Universal № 10. URL : Download?url=%2FTDS%2FTDS__15360__Jotacote+Universal+N10__Rus__RU.pdf