
Keywords: stress, stress resistance, coping, social stress resistance factors, personal stress resistance factors, personal resources


Today, the issue of stress resistance of future naval officers is extremely actual from the view of required level of competence and also from the view of entry of Ukraine into the European context of socio-economics changes. This problem is not new and has an interdisciplinary nature. The essence and meaning of the concept of «stress resistance» of future naval officers has been considered in the professional activities. Stress resistance is defined as the individual ability of a seafarer to keep of adequate working efficiency during stressors. It is proved that the low stress resistance leads to the emotional disorders of naval officers, reduction of physiological and mental resistance in extreme conditions of the professional situation. The main of social and personal factors influencing to the reaction of the stressors are considered here. The importance of personal resources of future sailors is revealed. The personal resources can increase or decrease of stress reactions, influencing their type, intensity, duration and improve the psychological resistance  in  stressful  situations.  They  include  such  components:  an  active  attitude  to  life,  clearly differentiated goals, subjective-action intentions, ability to choose, locus of control, responsibility for their own lives, life strategies, creativity, etc. The main hypothesis of the empiric investigation has been proved, according to which the greatest importance of cadets (68%) is given to the effectiveness of their own lives, their own self-esteem of the past stage of life, its productivity, content. The indicators of the respondents on the scales of the internal locus of control were low, which may be correlated with the low values of the indicators of the respondents, in particular on the parameter: «completeness of the situation – lack of prospects.» Thus, disbelief in the ability to control the events of one’s own life, elements of fatalism cause dependence on this situation. According to the results of empiric investigation the conclusion has been made about the relevance of timely diagnostics in higher educational institutions of sea, and further correction of psychological personal factors of cadets, which are important resources of stress resistance and provide the necessary level of individual mental resistance in extreme professional situations.


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