Bridges which located on maritime and inland waterways are defenseless object of infrastructure. One of their main features is the restriction of navigation channels, both vertically and horizontally, while navigation conditions are often complicated by unpredictable currents and whirlpools. A great threat to people and vehicles located on or near the structure occurred in case of collision with ships and the destruction of bridges. Also, the consequences of such incident are large financial costs, where the cost of the bridge is usually much more than the cost of the vessel itself. The article addresses the issue of types, factors, causes and consequences of ship-bridge collision accidents. In spite of the modern level of development in the maritime industry such accidents occur annually, thus this problem is relevant nowadays. It is necessary to take measures to increase the safety of navigation in appropriate zones. The article presents the procedure for assessing the level of safety and the stages of identifying risks by determining the probability of a collision with bridge spans, supports and other structures, also identifying the most defenseless places, as well as the possible consequences of such damage (ship, cities, environment). In addition, the paper considered the methods of protection the bridge from collision and methods for reducing navigational risk. The results of the research are developing recommendations for avoiding possible dangers, mitigation of consequences and reducing risks of vessel-bridge collision. It is proposed to form an «intellectual» zone in the navigable water area under bridge to minimize the risks and consequences of an emergency. As a basic concept, it is recommended to use foreign and domestic experience in implementing the e-navigation strategy in the coastal zone and in the operational VTS areas.
The article describes the implementation of modern marine technologies, such as virtual navigation aids and technologies of additional reality, which will significantly improve monitoring of the environment. Therefore, this introduction will reduce the risk of emergency. Ensuring the full spectrum of available methods is necessary to determine risk and protect bridges from accidents. Such approach will allow not only assess risk of ship collision with bridge, but also to introduce additional active control elements during navigation in dangerous zones.
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