• S. E. Selivanov Херсонська державна морська академія
  • S. N. Trigub Херсонська державна морська академія
  • V. V. Kalіnchak Одеський національний університет імені І.І. Мєчнікова
  • A. S. Chernenko Одеський національний університет імені І.І. Мєчнікова
Keywords: preventive maintenance, fire danger, a carbon particle, speed of chemical reaction, Temperature, diameter of a particle, speed обдува air, relative speed of movement of the carbon Particles, burning, ignition.


Work is devoted an actual problem preventive maintenance of fire danger on a vessel connected with Research of influence of various factors: temperatures of air, speed обдува Air, diameter of a particle, relative speed of movement of a particle in air on the total Speed of chemical reactions of carbon with gases that gives the chance to change characteristics of burning, And under optimum conditions gives the chance to regulate burning process and by that to secure Vessel from a fire that has caused the work purpose. According to an object in view in work Reactionary ability of a carbon particle is considered and dependence of speed chemical is constructed Reactions from temperature at different speeds обдува a carbon particle of different diameter, it is spent The analysis of influence of speed on temperature of burning of a particle at its various sizes, it is investigated Influence of speed обдува on critical temperatures and diameters of ignition and погасания. It is shown, That at low temperatures, smaller 1500 К (the diffuzionno-kinetic relation is less Units), speed of chemical reactions of a particle of carbon with air practically does not depend on speed обдува. In the field of the big temperatures (the diffuzionno-kinetic relation is more than unit), with Growth of speed обдува speed of reaction increases. Laws of influence are established Temperatures нагретого air and speed обдува for diameters of ignition and погасания, and also on Temperature and speed of burning of a carbon particle.


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