• D. Malakhova
Keywords: information technology, database, system of equations of motion, image of visualization, velocity field, parameter change gradient


The article describes the developed methodology for choosing the level of complexity of the basic equations of hydrodynamics in software products that are developed for use in information technology. It is shown due to the implementation of which processing processes during the construction of visualization images, numerical data can reflect the simulated process with various levels of complexity. The main criteria are formulated, on the basis of which it is possible to obtain information for the subsequent analysis of specific technological processes with the participation of a moving stream of liquid or gas. It is shown how it is possible to control the quality of constructing a visualization image based on streaming data in relation to the real picture of the flow of liquid or gas. From the point of view of developing various software products for the subsequent use of information technology in various hydrodynamic work processes, it is very important to universalize the approach to choosing a mathematical apparatus. The level of complexity of the equations primarily determines the costs and resources of machine time, and also affects the quality of the analysis obtained as a result of visualization patterns or distributions of characteristic flow parameters. 

From the point of view of developing various software products for the subsequent use of information technology in various hydrodynamic work processes, it is very important to universalize the approach to choosing a mathematical apparatus. The level of complexity of the equations primarily determines the costs and resources of machine time, and also affects the quality of the analysis obtained as a result of visualization patterns or distributions of characteristic flow parameters.

The mathematical apparatus, which can be used in information technology to visualize hydrodynamic processes, can be conditionally divided into four levels. The difference between these levels is in the quality of reproduction of visualization patterns of real flows.

In subsequent developments, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of high-precision algorithms that are used to construct the flow field by constructing characteristic isolines.


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