• I. Butakov
  • К. Timofeev
Keywords: offshore vessel, modelling, dynamic positioning system, disturbance, degree of freedom, coordinates, course


The article discusses the modelling of the dynamic positioning system of a marine offshore vessel.

To meet the safety requirements when performing various special tasks at sea and to ensure proper and accurate control of the course and location of the offshore vessel, dynamic positioning systems (DP) are widely used.

The use of DP systems on ships of the marine offshore fleet is preferable from an economic point of view, since no additional costs are required to ensure effective control of the current location and course of the marine vessel during the performance of work.

The aim of the study is to develop a mathematical model of a dynamic positioning system for an offshore ship with four movers, which will determine the minimum power of the ship's electric power system. Models are necessary to ensure precision control when changing the characteristics of the power plant and reference systems in various situations.

The ship control system was modelled in a software environment using standard library modules, which were supplemented with the necessary data from an offshore ship. The issues of optimization of control systems and modelling methods were considered in the studies of Thor I. Fossen, Sorensen J.A. and Perez T. O.n. Smogeli taking into account the influence of external disturbances. In these studies, using modern control methods, a control object (vessel) in three-dimensional space is considered as an object with three or more degrees of freedom (DOF).

Given the variable values of external perturbations that affect the quality of control of an object, a significant role in controlling the DP system is played by the accuracy of forecasts and the speed of model updating. The simulation results allow us to describe an offshore vessel as a point of mass, taking into account three degrees of freedom, and we used the DP dynamic positioning system for heading analysis.

An analysis of the trajectory of an offshore vessel when modelling a dynamic positioning system made it possible to determine the minimum power of the ship's electric power system necessary for control. In the future, to model the control of an offshore vessel with a dynamic positioning system, modified models should be used, where more than five propulsions are used.


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