The advantages of construction and operation of reinforced concrete floating structures are substantiated taking into account such criteria as total weight of the floating structure, weight of the hull, steel spread for the hull, total labour intensity of construction of a floating structure, labour intensity of construction of the hull, total cost of the floating structure, cost of the hull, depreciation expenses, current repair expenses. The structural and technical characteristics of the dock under consideration are rendered. These have been developed with account for the experience in construction and operation of docks, as well as the results of experiments under the most complex docking conditions. Next, the article describes methods of the technical and economic analysis for establishing the efficiency of maritime floating structures being designed. A target function is introduced for a proper assessment of the project’s cost-effectiveness in the early design stages. Then, there is presented an algorithm for determining the economic effect obtained by constructing a floating composite dock with a reduced number of pontoon frames when compared with a conventional composite dock. When calculating material costs for construction of the hull of a conventional composite dock and a composite dock with a reduced number of pontoon frames, the average cost of manufacturing a ton of ship metal structure has been selected. Thus, there have been obtained dependencies to estimate the material costs, basic and additional payroll expenditures, and general production costs for a composite dock with a reduced number of pontoon frames. The results of a calculation using these dependencies demonstrate that introduction of the proposed pontoon design and the improved construction technology allows reducing the material costs and labor intensity of construction of a composite floating dock. The dependencies for estimation of the economic characteristics of a floating dock take into account the special features of its structure. At the design stage, they allow developing a high-quality mathematical model for establishing the parameters of reinforced concrete pontoons of composite docks when rationalizing the design of floating composite docks.
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