The aim of the study is to improve methods for determining the parameters of external disturbances of wind, waves and currents, causing the drill axis to shift from a given position and to form corrective forces to bring the drilling system to a predetermined state.
The analysis of the method of mathematical modeling of the process of dynamic positioning of a drilling vessel has been carried out. As a result, it has been found that it takes a lot of time to perform the necessary calculations on the effects of wind, waves and currents, as a result of which the necessary information is late by the time the decision is made to manage the adjustment process, which complicates positioning and reduces its safety.
A method for expert evaluation of determining the drift value of a drilling vessel relative to a given drilling position, which is determined by high-precision geodetic methods and measuring the current position of the drill by converting the coordinates of the satellite antenna to the drill axis, is proposed. This eliminates the need to calculate the amount of displacement from the wind, waves and currents and significantly increases the speed of the positioning system.
The methods of estimation of safe performance of dynamic positioning of a drilling vessel by methods of expert estimation differ from the known ones that use mathematical modeling, in that there is no need to measure the parameters of external perturbations and to calculate their magnitude. Further calculations take time, which is not enough, as a result, the efficiency is lost and the determination of the command on the positioning device is delayed until the decision is made.
A further direction of research is the need to improve the accuracy of determining the current location of the storm axis, to reduce hereditary errors of calculations, and to develop a system of forming corrective efforts to compensate for external influences.
The research findings can be applied to the development of new navigation systems and to training in maritime schools.
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