• O.O. Sapronov Херсонська державна морська академія
  • S. A. Rozhkov Херсонська державна морська академія
  • О. В. Leschenko Херсонська державна морська академія
  • A. S. Golotenko Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
Keywords: nanotube, nanocomposite material, adhesive and physical and mechanical properties


The influence of nanodispersed filler content concerning adhesion and physical and mechanical properties of protective coatings. It was estimated that increase of adhesion characteristics of materials is caused by the occurrence of physical and chemical processes during structure formation, which are activated under the influence of advanced ultrasonic processing. It was proved that the use of ultrasonic treatment allows solving the problem of nanoparticles distribution uniforming according to volume and simultaneously improving the properties of the composites.
Epoxy dianov oligomer ED-20As a main component was selected to be interlink in the formation of epoxy composites; it has a high adhesive and cohesive strength, low shrinkage and adaptability when applied to the surface with complex profile. Hardener polyethylenepolyamine is used for crosslinking of epoxy compositions allowing to cure the material under room temperature.
It was proved that the optimal content of nanotubes in interlink is q = 0,050 ppm, which leads to the formation of isotropic adhesive material. It was sustained that the optimal content of nanotubes in interlink is q = 0,075 ppm alongside with formation of a material with improved physical and mechanical properties.


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