• V. A. Nastasenko Херсонська державна морська академія
Keywords: fundamental physical constants, gravity constant, quantification of physical sizes, measurement precision.


Presently fundamental physical constants: the gravity constant G, the Planck constant h and speed of light c in vacuum are determined experimentally and have maximal exactness from 5 (G), to 9 (c) signs. However there were found systems of calculation dependences resulting from interconnection of constants c, G, h with the Plank’s time tp and frequency νp, which allow to find them numeral values more precisely. On this base recurring decimals were singled out in the found numerical values of G, h, c which allowed to enhance exactness to 18 signs, that considerably passes ahead modern economic feasibilities for their experimental determination. The aggregate of findings extends knowledge about the material world and Universe on the whole and does not contradict the present numerical values of G, h, c; that is why they can be recommended for the use in subsequent researches.


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