• E. Аppazov Херсонський національний технічний університет
  • O. Kluev Херсонський національний технічний університет
  • S. Rusanov Херсонський національний технічний університет
Keywords: preheating , numerical simulation, fluid dynamics, heat transfer


The article deals with modeling of the hydrodynamic and thermal processes in pre-launch preparation of automobile engines. The problem of pre-launch preparations are consider. Listed positive and negative aspects of existing methods pre-launch preparations. The basic requirements for engine preheating. A numerical simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer in the internal channels of the engine to determine the warm-up temperature indicators, taking into account the heat exchange with the environment. Used for modeling k-e turbulence model with the energy equation for close the system. Computational study conducted in the system CFX computational grid with 3 million members with checking grid independence in the fixed statement. The simulation is defined uneven warming of engine components, especially on the inner surfaces of the cylinders. Shows the complex nature of the flow in the channels of the engine with the presence of significant amounts of stagnant zones. The prospects for further computational studies on application of heat storage capabilities for pre-launch preparations engines.


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